Monday, November 5, 2012

A little about me...

Hey there. If you don't know me, my name is Bethany Williams. I am 21 years old, I am currently enrolled in college, engaged to the man of my dreams, have a great family, and I have CVS. CVS: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Most people haven't heard of it. Half of the time when I am in the hospital I have nurses and doctors who look at me as if I am making it up. I most certainly am not though, this has been affecting me since I was 16 years old. I will give you a little background of my journey with this disease.

It started when I had started getting sick at a basketball game, it soon put me into the hospital for a few days. Then I was in and out of the hospital for several months until in March the school decided to put me on home instruction. During these months I was throwing up on average 3-8 times a day and lost 30 pounds. In between the episodes I could lead a perfectly normal life. I soon was sent up to Cleveland Clinic. After the third time of being up there, I was bombarded by a bunch of medical students telling me I needed to go to an out patient clinic for bulimia. I was a 16 year old girl, completely mortified of what they were saying because it was NOT true. My mom had them discharge me soon after. As we got into summer my episodes started to get more violent. My local physician had asked me if they had done a gall bladder nuclear study on me, I replied with no, but everything else was done. When this test was done, they found something. The normal digestion rate is 30 minutes, where mine is over three hours long, and also within a 30 minute period, my gall bladder wouldn't function until the last two minutes of the test. So the next day I had my gallbladder out. And things started to look up. Almost four months without an episode. Then, for some reason, it started back up, about twice a week for two days, it was non stop. I then went back onto home instruction. And my job started to make it hard for me to explain my illness at the time. Then I met Alex and since he has met me four years ago, he has always been there.
Let's jump a little bit, to March of 2010, I had moved to West Virginia with my mother in the middle of my senior year, and then my Dad abruptly passed away. And that death brought out the worst in myself, and my family. I haven't spoken to them since he passed. But I will get to that later. I went spiraling downward and things changed, I changed. And my episodes became more frequent. But God subsided them for a few months so I could enjoy my time as a senior in high school. But oh, did I miss my father, I missed him so much. So a few months had past and I had finally gotten a new job, and my first day on the floor I ended up in the hospital. Now, I am not going to make you fall asleep...this is how my life has been. Since then I got engaged. Moved back to Ohio, and have started to make a life for Alex and I. However, I ended up in the hospital with an episode and ovarian cysts.

This horrible hidden disease has affected my schooling, my jobs, my relationships with everyone in my life, and more. It is genetic, my cousin has it only hers is more severe and I pray for her everyday.

I made the choice as well yesterday to contact my estranged Uncle. I gave him my email and my phone number so that I could talk to him and my Aunts. It will be three years since Dad. I think it's time. I know they want to talk to me. And I found out that my eldest sister has breast cancer. And I am not quite sure how to take that. I had a horrible falling out with my siblings because my Dad's death unfortunately brought out the worse in all of us. I want to contact her, not just because of what is happening, but because I have prayed and have been worried for many years. If she doesn't want to talk or if she see's this before I get a chance to talk to her. I am so sorry for our falling out, I would change it if I could, and we all need you to get well soon and we know you will. I do love you. I always will.

Now, to get back to my CVS. I think I have made your eyes tired enough, but here is a link to the national CVS website. For everyone suffering, you're not alone. This roller coaster is an emotional one. I am always willing to talk about how it has changed my life.


Thanks for now.


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